Apple Watch will continue to get good results in worn devices market until 2019, according to a report from IDC, which sees that there is no one company is approaching to get the same popular Apple-hour watch in the coming years.
Said IDC: Apple Watch has become are driving worn devices market with a large fan base and the significant growth for Apple products and great quality it offers design and applications.
She added too quickly became Apple Watch barometer of hours the other while there is much room for improvement and additional features and there are enough of the momentum to lead the market.
Certainly there is a lot room for improvement, but other options for Ataatvouk Apple Although many of the improvements made on the Android Weir recently,, IDC, predicts that it will be Apple's share at 51.1 percent in the market by 2019, also Android-Ware's share will increase significantly from 15.2 percent in 2015 to 38.8 percent in 2019.
The difference between Apple and the hour Onduwid Ware What makes Apple Watch a strong contender is that Apple has one product with huge market share while Android Weir Michark among many companies